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Whole or Half Pig
We charge our customer by the hanging weight of the animal. We primarily raise Duroc or Duroc cross pigs. This is important to know because when you think of beef, you think of the Angus breed. Duroc is the Angus of the pig world. Some of our retail meat customers are competitive barbeque smokers and they put their faith in the Duroc breed to give them a leg up over their competition.
The Numbers
We charge $1.50 lb hanging weight. For example: If your pig has a hanging weight of 200 lbs you would pay $300. Processing would range In the $250-$300 range, depending on your cut choices and if you had sausage links made or how much meat you had cured. If your total for the pig and processing was $600 and you take home 70% of your hanging weight in retail cuts, that means your total per pound in your freezer is only $4.28 per pound! That is pretty good especially with today’s prices.
Our Guarantee
Our pigs are raised outside in the sun where they can be pigs. The only thing they are fed is corn, soybeans, and a mineral. We we mix all the feed on the farm to guarantee the quality of our product. There is never any growth hormones given to anything on our farm.
Our Fees
We charge $2.75/lb hanging weight on our beef and the customer pays their own processing fee. You can purchase 1/4, 1/2, or whole if you would like. We raise our own hay and mix all our feed on-site to ensure a healthy and delicious product for you and your family. Our cattle receive the best care possible with their well-being at the fore-front of every management decision. We use a reputable locker for all our processing to ensure quality from the first bite to the last hamburger.
The Numbers
If an animal has a 750lb hanging weight, you would be charged $2,062.50 with a processing fee of roughly $850, for a total of $2,912.50. If you bought a half of the same animal, your total cost would be $1,456.25
If you bought a quarter, your total cost would be $728.12.
One bonus about the locker we use is if you want a quarter, you will get half of all the cuts on that side of the animal. Instead of just getting a front or rear quarter you get a portion of all the steaks, roasts, brisket and any other cuts you would like.